irensei Traditional game of Japan [go , gobang]
Irensei is similar to connect five, but Irensei can be removed enclosed stones like go.

 Rule of Irensei
(Start of game)
Two players, Black and White, take turns placing a stone of their own color on a vacant point of the grid on a Go board. Black moves first.
(Winning or losing)
The first Player to get an unbroken line of seven stones, whether vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, wins the game.
However, the stone from the third line to the outside (first and second line) is not counted to seven reams.
All stones become objects in Black over seven stone foul.
(Over seven stone is a foul defeat only at the black)
If the stone more than seven pieces is line up, Black becomes a defeat.
Black cannot be make a move to the place of a red sign when explaining in a left chart.
Even if the stone more than 7 pieces is lined up, it becomes a win for white.
(The stone is removed)
The stone can be removed by enclosing enemy's stone.
If Black plays at the place of a red sign, the white stone loses its last liberty. It is captured and removed from the board.
(It is not possible to make a move to the place that has already been enclosed)
It is not possible to make a move to the point encloced by the enemy stones.
Black cannot be make a move to the place of a red sign when explaining in a left chart.
(It gives priority to victory)
It gives priority to victory when becoming victory at the same time even when making a move to the place that has already been enclosed.
Therefore, Black can be make a move to the place of a red sign when explaining in a left chart.

Copyright(C)2004 Japan Irensei Association All right reserved.